For the last several weeks, we’ve been covering some of the various solutions available to homeowners who struggle with landscape drainage problems. As we’ve discussed before, improper drainage can be devastating to your home and your surrounding landscape. Every rain and snowstorm puts your property at risk of costly damage. One particularly popular solution to…
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Retaining walls, gutter systems, and downspouts are integral pieces of an effective strategy to protect your home from water damage. Downspouts probably garner less attention than gutters and retaining walls, but they are just as important, if not more so. When they are not angled properly, water can flow back to the base of your…
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When planning out improvements to your landscape this winter, it’s worth approaching the situation from two angles. Aesthetic improvements improve the overall look of your landscape by either synchronizing elements together or adding more ornate features. Practical improvements help your landscape function better – this can address a variety of issues. Retaining walls can serve…
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If your yard is not properly draining after fall rains, you’re in for bigger problems once snow and ice arrive. Effective runoff and drainage will allow your landscape to get the water and nutrients it needs without taking all of your soil with it. Soil erosion is a big problem for many homeowners. Here’s what…
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April showers might bring May flowers, as the saying goes, but some homeowners understand that those showers can also bring a world of worry. Soil erosion is a major problem for homeowners with inclines and slopes on their property. Without proper treatment by a professional landscaping company, your home will be at an increased risk…
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As a homeowner, you want to maintain a structurally sound and aesthetically appealing landscape.  However, soil erosion can cause serious issues on your property that can lead to costly restoration if not treated properly.  If you have slopes or hills on your property, you are at risk for topsoil erosion. Common signs of soil erosion…
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